Enviro: 11th of November 2019

On this edition of Enviro:  5G ecological risks: Much stronger than previous technology, 5G is to be rolled out without any genuine testing. Likely able to penetrate the body much deeper, it is a potential disaster for humans, flora and fauna. They…

Enviro: 14th October 2019

On this edition of Enviro: They celebrated the fact that Ethiopian Prime Minister Ably Ahmed has won the Nobel Peace prize for resolving the conflict with neighbouring Eritrea. Their organisation Forest Friends Ireland has established one of the branches, of Forest Friends…

Enviro: 23rd September 2019

On this edition of Enviro: In this Enviro program we paused to celebrate the autumnal Equinox and went on to discuss the Worldwide climate protests: a breathtaking 4,000,000 people in the streets of the world demanding fundamental changes. We spoke about the…

Enviro- 9th October 2017

This edition of Enviro contained two interviews and explained aspect of several important issues and contained discussion between the interviewees. INTERVIEW ONE: AFRICA Guest speaker Felix Daramola of Afroirish. This interview presented Felix Daramola’s perspectives on Africa and how migrants are given…