Enviro- 9th October 2017

This edition of Enviro contained two interviews and explained aspect of several important issues and contained discussion between the interviewees.

  • INTERVIEW ONE: AFRICA Guest speaker Felix Daramola of Afroirish. This interview presented Felix Daramola’s perspectives on Africa and how migrants are given false information about Europe: He explained  what is really happening in Africa and what it is like for him to be living in Ireland having come from Africa. He explained what his organisation Afroirish does.
  • We pointed out how Geoengineering is damaging out environment- see website http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org “The global climate engineers are spraying unimaginable quantities of materials into skies all over the world as part of the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management assault. The world’s most recognized geoengineer, Dr. David Keith, has stated on the record a goal of putting 10,000,000 tons of aluminium nanoparticles into the atmosphere annually as part of the solar radiation management operations…  With each passing day more of Earth’s remaining life support systems are being decimated by the ongoing climate engineering juggernaut of insanity” – Dane Wigington-GeoengineeringWatch.org.
  • We referred to George Monbiot’s Article in the Guardian, newspaper Wed. 4 October –Heading- “Goodbye – and good riddance – to livestock farming’ George Monbiot “Now it is time for a new revolution, almost as profound as those other great shifts: the switch to a plant-based diet. The technology is – depending on how close an approximation to meat you demand (Quorn seems almost indistinguishable from chicken or mince to me) – either here or just around the corner. The ethical switch is happening already: even today, there are half a million vegans in the land of roast beef. It’s time to abandon the excuses, the fake facts and false comforts. It is time to see our moral choices as our descendants will”. George Monbiot “Now it is time for a new revolution to a plant-based diet”.
  • INTERVIEW TWO: Interview with Kevin McCorry of the Peoples Movement about the current Peoples movement newsletter: Kevin explained what his organisation is about and outlined the issues contained in the present newsletter. International Trade agreements: One aspect of these is the principles of what is called ISDS. ISDS empowers corporations to sue governments for health, safety, environmental and other laws they claim unfairly cost them the profits they were counting on. Disputes would be held in front of a tribunal of three corporate lawyers alleging a violation of their special NAFTA rights. Also announcement re public meeting OCT18-CETA Regulatory Cooperation & ISDS Wed 19:00 Social Hall, Liberty Hall, Dublin 1.
  • Endocrine disruptors (EDCs) – Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines, chemicals that disrupt hormone systems. The sheer number of everyday products containing chemicals that disrupt hormone systems of both humans and animals is staggering. These harmful chemicals can be found in plastics, food containers, cosmetics, electronics, toys, sports shoes and the rubber granules used on synthetic sports fields. EDCs are ever more present in nature, as several approved pesticides with hormone disrupting properties continue to be abundantly sprayed on vegetables and fruits. Hundreds of scientific studies have demonstrated that exposure to EDCs is harmful to our health, even in small doses and should be banned. The present EU license for glyphosate expires on December 15 2017. The EU Commission proposes to have it renewed for a further period of ten years which requires approval by at least 16 member states representing 65% of the EU population. France has decided to vote against while Germany is undecided. Recent election has returned a coalition. The cancer-research arm of the World Health Organization last week announced that glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide, is probably carcinogenic to humans. But the assessment, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, has been followed by an immediate backlash from industry groups. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA0 the European Chemicals Agency and regulatory authorities of some OECD countries maintain that glyphosate can be used safely.

Presenter/producer- John Haughton Panellist Joe Dunne