Enviro – 26th March 2018

Robert Fennelly
Principal Ecologist
Irish Ecological Association Law Society of Ireland, and member of the Irish Environmental Law Association.
Nesting bird protection in Ireland.
Use of Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica by house sparrow Passer domesticus in autumn …
A Review of Bird Strike Mortality at Irish Onshore Windfarms..
protection of breeding Little Egret in Ireland.
role of fire in vegetation succession.
ornithological and mammals.
bird and amphibian survey.

NATURAL HOUSES Strawbale houses
In 1997 Manchán built the first straw bale house in Ireland.
Bales of straw were laid as blocks and plastered with lime and sand.  It was warm and comfortable and cost €6,000 to build. He lived in it for 5 years until cracks began to appear.
Westmeath CC gave him planning permission in 1997 for a strawbale house. He applied for planning permission for an Earthship (tyre-house) in 1999 but was rejected.
In 2002 he built a house of concrete plastered in mud, straw, and cement, with a grass roof. He planted six thousand oaks, maples, larches and Scots pines around it and an orchard of 40 fruit trees.
While building Manchán learn that in the 6th Century two different saints called Manchán built simple hermit-type homes in Kerry and Offaly, one wrote a poem about his dream home.