Enviro 16-12-2019 Britt and Joe speak with David Moore – Chairman of Astronomy Ireland

An Irish engineer designed the computer program that got NASA to the moon…
the best night to watch is December 14th, but you can observe on any night around this date. You also do not need a telescope or any special equipment to view the Geminids.
This year Astronomy Ireland is to take part in a Nationwide Geminid Watch, where you simply count the number of meteors – or shooting stars – you see. No special equipment is needed, and you can look anywhere in the sky!. As Earth moves through clouds of dust leftover from comets, the particles fall into our atmosphere and burn up, creating spectacular streaks of light in the sky, known as meteors or shooting stars. This shower is named after the constellation Gemini, from which the meteors appear to come from in the sky. If you trace back the path of a Geminid, you will find that it appears to come from a point in the south east.

” Apollo 11 – The Irish Connection ”
Neil Armstrong gave Irish Engineer Award for Getting Apollo 11 onto the Moon. Pat Norris was born and educated in Ireland and went on to work for NASA during the 1960s. He has written a book about how he developed the computer programming to land Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon.

Shortly after returning safely to the Earth, Neil Armstrong himself presented Pat with a special award for his work on the Apollo programme.
