The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis. Part 9

Maurice Newman reads the final instalment of the most famous book in the Chronicles of Narnia series by CS Lewis. In conclusion, he offers some thoughts on why it is important that stories such as these should be maintained and passed on…

EmployAbility Radio – Episode 4

Employability Radio – In this short series of programmes the EmployAbility service highlights its own range of supports and services. It also speaks to employers, community service providers, and partner agencies about many of the issues around employment and disability in Ireland…

EmployAbility Radio – Episode 3

Employability Radio – In this short series of programmes the EmployAbility service highlights its own range of supports and services. It also speaks to employers, community service providers, and partner agencies about many of the issues around employment and disability in Ireland…

EmployAbility Radio – Episode 2

Employability Radio – In this short series of programmes the EmployAbility service highlights its own range of supports and services. It also speaks to employers, community service providers, and partner agencies about many of the issues around employment and disability in Ireland today. Hosted…