Enviro: 9th December 2019 – John Lennon Special

Enviro finished 2019 with a tribute programme to celebrate the life and achievements of John Lennon champion of peace promotion, anti-war to the extent that his life was forfeited because of the intensity of his protest.

John Lennon’s anniversary is the 8th December. He would have been 80 years of age. Enviro is an anti-war and peace promotional program and we regularly renew our vows in that regard. But as we all know John Lennon is ageless and is having greater impacts on the world as time goes bye. In this Enviro program we talked about his contribution to the peace process and how the candle of his life was cruelly extinguished and at the instigation of the war lobby we do believe. We played some of his songs, including some important ones that are not aired generally but are all that more important for that reason. Three of these are ‘Mother’, ‘Grow Old with Me’ and Well Well Well”

In the program we talked about growing up and his early years and some of the challenges he had to face.

The songs we played were from the following CDs:

‘Working Class Hero A Tribute to John Lennon’ with his songs sung by various artists: ‘Instant Karma An Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur (double CD with 28 cover songs of John Lennon. We also played a tribute song of Bob Dylan ‘Roll on John ‘from the CD ‘Tempest’

John Lennon:  John was 40 years of age when he was murdered probably instigated by the state in some form because of his opposition to war.  He was born on the 9th. October 1940 and died on the 8th. December 1980, a war baby, part of a unique category of people who hate war and violence and do all they can to put a stop to it. It is time now for the world to stop the arms race to stop the US the UK, Russia, Germany, France etc. from making weapons to kill the babies of Yemen, the poor of Palestine the mothers of Syria, the innocents of Venezuela etc. Uncle Sam is alive and well in his inflicting terror on half the world. John Lennon would have wished that the plain people would revolt at the revolting wars which are unnecessary except as the weapons of greed and torture of fellow humans all for profiteering warmongering. Let’s do it for John

Wonderful festive season at this Christmas festival to all our listeners to Enviro. We will be back with Enviro in January 2020.

Presenter/producer John Haughton

Panellist Joe Dunne