Enviro: 23rd September 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

  • In this Enviro program we paused to celebrate the autumnal Equinox and went on to discuss the Worldwide climate protests: a breathtaking 4,000,000 people in the streets of the world demanding fundamental changes.
  • We spoke about the ENVIRONMENTAL damage caused by pesticides: Neonicotinoid pesticides produced by chemical giants like Bayer-Monsanto are killing bees, harming monarch butterflies, and putting migratory songbirds at risk.
  • We felt that it is now time for  big and small Corporations to make the switch to renewable energy: Corporations can make the switch to 100% clean, green energy and it can literally save them millions of dollars, because renewable energy is less expensive than fossil fuels such as coal.  They are all making the climate crisis worse. Yet major offenders like  Verizon, Amazon, and J.P. Morgan continue to fuel the climate crisis instead of  moving to 100% zero-carbon
  • The curse of palm oil.
  • We discussed briefly the great work carried out by Medicines sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders (MSF) the world’s leading emergency medical humanitarian aid organisation.