Asian Talents: Ep 37

Vivian Wong-McKendry 係土生土長出生香港人,現與丈夫居住於愛爾蘭,係疫情期間踏上了創業嘅道路。 佢係 One More Thing 嘅創辦人,係一家專門銷售室內裝飾家品網店。 One More Thing 好快就已經創造歷史,成為少數由少數族裔創立而成功進駐 Brown Thomas 嘅企業之一。Kildare Village 嘅一家快閃店亦將於本週末開業。 想了解 Vivian 如何創業以及佢嘅創業心得嗎? 密切留意本節目。 Hong Kong-born and now living in Ireland with her husband, Vivian Wong-McKendry embarked on an entrepreneurial journey during the pandemic. She…

Asian Talents : Ep 36

Ep 36 – July 13, 2023 Japanese-born Storyteller Masako Carey has lived in rural Co Antrim since 2001. Masako tells stories in schools, libraries, and community venues with people of all ages and abilities. As a child Masako always loved reading but…

Asian Talents: Ep 35

Louis 係一位商業攝影師,有一個好獨特嘅背景。佢出生於德國,英國長大,從小就接觸到傳統同新穎嘅價值觀。父母亦向佢灌輸左對敬業樂業同創意嘅熱情。 係蘋果公司度過左八年嘅工程師生涯後,佢決定追求他真正嘅夢想,成為一名全職商業編輯攝影師。此後,佢成為左愛爾蘭頂級攝影師之一,以其對細節嘅非凡洞察力同捕捉拍攝對象本質嘅能力而聞名。 Louis 嘅華人血統係塑造佢嘅藝術視野方面發揮重要作用,佢從東西方文化中汲取靈感。佢嘅作品反映了他獨特嘅視角,將傳統技術與現代技術相結合,創造出帶故事性及令人驚嘆嘅畫面。 Louis 對自己技藝嘅奉獻同敢於冒險嘅精神使他成為攝影界受人尊敬嘅人物。佢不斷突破界限,努力捕捉完美鏡頭,並創造出既美麗又有意義嘅畫面。 Louis is a talented commercial photographer with a unique background. Born in Germany and raised in the UK by Chinese parents, he was exposed to both traditional and forward-thinking values from a young age. Louis’…

Asian Talents Ep34

Amani KM is a Palestinian and a mother of three. She is an Nutrition and Public Health expert with extensive experience in different countries. She worked as a critical care Dietitian and joined the as an academic instructor and researcher. She worked…

Asian Talents Ep 33 – Angela

Angela 目前係UCC醫學院嘅大一生。黎自澳門嘅佢於上年搬到愛爾蘭求學 ,並從今年開始於愛爾蘭本土非營利機構( )當志願者。係呢一 集Asian Talent, Alice 將會同Angela 探討初來乍到愛爾蘭定居時遇到的困難 以及青少年在當地參加學生義工活動的經驗。 Angela is now a first-year medical student in Cork. She seemingly is also the youngest guest in this podcast series. Born and raised in Macau, she moved to Ireland to study Medicine…

Ep 31 – Vincent Tsang

Ep 31 – May 4, 2023 今集嘅嘉賓係Vincent Tsang, 佢係一位新秀演員同商人。 他曾經係The Gaiety School of Acting 接受培訓,目前係 Bow Street Academy – 愛爾蘭國家電影學院接受培訓。 Vincent 出現過嘅作品包捨戲劇、廣告、短片和故事片。佢係成龍在《英倫對決》中嘅替身司機。佢亦因為康城電影節首映嘅獨立故事片 “Bunny The Killer Thing” 中飾演男主角而開始成名。 Vincent 嘅另一個愛好係健康飲食, 2020年疫情期間創立左自己嘅健康唐餐醬汁品牌“Tsang Sauce”。 佢從小就患有濕疹,係北愛爾蘭同香港都嘗試過好多唔同嘅藥。藥物會係短時間內起作用,但佢發現保持健康飲食一直更有效地控制佢嘅皮膚狀況。佢係父母嘅中餐館工作時,佢注意到愛爾蘭民眾認為唐餐唔健康呢個想法。Vincent 想向世界展示唐餐亦可以好健康,所以佢創造左一種不含麩質、對素食主義者友好且 100% 天然嘅甜辣椒醬。係餐廳成功試推之後,係 2020 年推出網站 (,以便英國同愛爾蘭嘅朋友可以在線購買。 據佢所知,目前沒有其他公司生產呢種醬汁。 Vincent Tsang is…

Asian Talents Ep 29 – April 6, 2023

Wilmer 曾威明於生於德國,長於德國,與保時捷出於同一個城市。他現居於愛爾蘭,醉心推廣心理健康,樂於分享他係 COVID-19 疫情期間,將挑戰轉化為個人成長機會嘅經驗。 疫情家居隔離期間,Wilmer 將精神轉向運動,採用健康嘅飲食方案成功減咗了 10 公斤!不單仲戒埋煙,亦開始發現咗對跑步嘅熱情。 佢於舊年成功完成咗阿姆斯特丹馬拉鬆比賽,證明咗佢對個人成長嘅決心。 Wilmer 擁有計算機科學和經濟學理學學士學位,目前係 New Relic 從事技術銷售工作,New Relic 是一家軟件分析公司,總部位於三藩市,歐洲、中東和非洲地區總部位於都柏林。佢仲經常係技術會議上發表演講,最近一次亮相係亞馬遜主辦嘅旗艦活動上。 Wilmer was born and raised in Germany, in the same city where Porsche comes from. Currently based in Ireland, he is passionate about mental health and…

Asian Talents Ep 27

  Ep 27 – 9 March 2023 文肇强神父,天主教聖神會會士,生於香港,曾係多倫多接受教育。八十年代下旬黎到都柏林進修神學。 其後廿載,佢係不同地方同多元文化環境下,做社會科學研究,再後從事社會工作。 重返聖神會後,係2017年被委派到愛爾蘭服務。 曾經為曾受酷刑嘅政治庇護者服務,同係聖神會避静院兼職,現職都柏林一所安老院院牧神父。 Sam Mann is a Catholic priest of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans). Born in Hong Kong, he was educated in part by the Spiritans in Toronto. He studied theology…

Asian Talents: EP 26

Steven Baldesco was born in the Philippines but has lived in Ireland for 16 years now. He currently work in a government agency, but his passions have always been politics, art, and history. In 2022, he was a volunteer for the presidential…