Enviro: 11th of November 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

  1.  5G ecological risks: Much stronger than previous technology, 5G is to be rolled out without
    any genuine testing. Likely able to penetrate the body much deeper, it is a potential disaster
    for humans, flora and fauna.
  2. They also made reference to the Moringa: the Miracle Tree of India: Every part of the Moringa tree is
    suitable for either nutritional or commercial purposes. This journal article outlines the nutritional
    and medicinal properties of this ‘miracle’ tree.
  3. The Nexus magazine, ‘Magic Mushrooms: Psilocybin benefits’ -and how Recent research is providing greater
    understanding of psilocybin and its potential in the treatment of depression, anxiety and addiction.
    Reference: nexus magazine vol. 25 no. 6 October-November 2018