Asian Talents – Episode 14

Tomás is a blogger, memes-creator and podcaster. He is named the 4th most famous Irishman in Taiwan. Originally from Clane, after studying Mandarin Chinese from DIT, he took a scholarship to study in Taiwan and the rest is history. He is going…

Asian Talents – Episode 13

今集的嘉賓是來自澳門嘅Mandy, 佢嚟咗愛爾蘭生活大概一年。佢一直以來都好想去歐洲工作、學英文及體驗生活呢個夢想。去年喺網上喺愛爾蘭搵到一份工, 經身邊嘅好朋友嘅鼓勵之下,就決定帶着簡單嘅行李嚟到愛爾蘭。呢次都係佢人生第一次踏足歐洲。 佢會同我哋分享吓喺愛爾蘭生活一年黎嘅心路歷程,同埋「心態改變一切」呢個人生道理。 In this episode, we will speak with Mandy from Macau. It has always been her dream to live, study and work in Europe. While browsing on the internet last year, she came across a job in Ireland. Thanks…

Asian Talents – Episode 12

Anuj is an Indian professional living in Ireland since last 5 years. Since graduating from NUI Galway in 2018, Anuj has worked for many big companies like Irish Water, Johnson and Johnson and Merck to help them with Project Controls and Operations of multi-million…

Asian Talents – Episode 11

今集的嘉賓是來自廣州的語言學家邸方哲博士,現職都柏林大學愛爾蘭凱爾特研究學院的助理教授。 他畢業於北京大學,持法學和哲學學士學位。 他亦持有牛津大學凱爾特研究碩士學位及科克大學早期和中世紀愛爾蘭文博士。亦曾並於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學和烏得勒支大學作交換生。 他致力於將愛爾蘭文化帶給華人。 另外,作為愛爾蘭語專家,以及邊緣語言(粵語和撒拉語)的使用者,他亦熱心捍衛語言權利。 Fangzhe Qui is an assistant professor (Ad Astra Fellow) in the School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore in University College Dublin, Ireland. He has a PhD in Early and Medieval Irish by UCC, a MPhil degree in…

Asian Talents – Episode 10

Ep 10: 14th July 2022 Gonchigkhand Byambaa is a social worker and writer from Mongolia. Coming from a traditional nomadic background to Ireland in 2016. She holds a B.A. in Social Work and a Diploma in Human Rights and Equality. She is…

Asian Talents – Episode 9

Ep 9 – First TX 30 June 2022 蔡惠雲有7個身分: 媽媽、講師、輔導員、Lego®積木治療導師、【99句教子好句】及【玩出親子情】作者,其中做得最長時間的是言語治療師和遊戲治療師,全部都係同講嘢和玩有關,現在更在都柏林聖三一學院進行PhD研究,專長是兒童情緒健康和自閉症。蔡惠雲的性格有:助人者+完美主義者+領導者,她認為最快樂的事是幫到人。 Stella Choy is a CORU registered Speech and Language Therapist, Play Therapist, and Lego®-based Therapy Facilitator. She has been working with children and families for over 18 years and has received training…

Asian Talents – Episode 8

Oliver is from Taiwan – the first ever Asian jurisdiction that legalised same sex marriage. He visited Ireland back in 2014, meet his Irish partner and settled in Ireland for love. He loves travelling and has a YouTube Chanel TomnOli where he…

Asian Talents – Episode 7

第七集嘅嘉賓係唱作人林一峰 林一峰係一位來自香港嘅資深獨立唱作人。 今次佢會同我哋分享吓點解嚟咗愛爾蘭,最近忙緊啲乜,同喺愛爾蘭生活嘅點點滴滴。 A veteran and fiercely independent singer songwriter, Chet Lam is originally from Hong Kong. After 20 solo albums and earned himself a prominent spot in Chinese music industry with heartfelt original songs, national hits for other big names, building…

Asian Talents – Episode 6

今集嘉賓是來自杭州嘅 Tian,為愛爾蘭移民權利貢獻不遺餘力。她擁有 DCU 的難民融合碩士學位,現時為愛爾蘭移民權利中心工作。 Tian Yu Lloyd is originally from Hangzhou, China. She came to Ireland in 2002, first as a student, then settled for family reasons. Since 2015, Tian has been an active advocator for migrant rights and political participation in…

Asian Talents – Episode 5

Episode 5 – first transmitted 5 May 2022 今集嘅嘉賓係Peg Chiu,係來自香港嘅一位小學老師。現在係愛爾蘭嘅特殊教育老師。亦係粵語愛爾蘭非牟利組織嘅主席,佢會同我哋分享吓將粵語傳比下一代嘅重要性。 今集仲有兩位神秘嘉賓架!千祈唔好錯過! 星期四下晝都柏林時間兩點至2:30 ,香港時間晚上10點至10:30! Peg Chiu, a former primary school teacher from Hong Kong. She is currently teaching in a special needs school in Ireland. Peg is also the chairperson of Cantonese in…

Asian Talents – Episode 4

今集嘅嘉賓係印裔英國人,佢係三項鐵人運動員加棟篤笑演員。佢同我哋分享吓點解會參加呢啲活動,同埋點樣鼓勵多啲亞洲人參與。 Jag is an Indian triathlete and comedian from England, now living in Dublin. She has been taking part in Triathlons since 2018 and loves the feeling of crossing the finishing line of a race after putting herself through 3 different sports!…

Asian Talents – Episode 3

  今集嘅嘉賓係來自香港嘅Carol Ho。佢係BaseWorx 嘅營運總監,帶領團隊啟動愛爾蘭政府一個叫ConnectedHubs 嘅大計,希望喺今年內連接愛爾蘭大城市以外嘅400幾個共享辦公空間。 佢仲係國際青年商會愛爾蘭全國總會長,係64年黎第一位非歐洲人嘅愛爾蘭總會長,亦獲得國際青年商會全球三大最傑出總會長嘅殊榮。 佢會同我哋分享吓喺愛爾蘭生活嘅心得,同埋作為一個外國人點樣喺一個新嘅國家爭取機會表現自己。 Carol Ho is the COO of BaseWorx and she is responsible for leading the company’s operations as well as sales and marketing. BaseWorx is the one-stop management software solution for co-working spaces to manage their…