Asian Talents – Episode 13


今集的嘉賓是來自澳門嘅Mandy, 佢嚟咗愛爾蘭生活大概一年。佢一直以來都好想去歐洲工作、學英文及體驗生活呢個夢想。去年喺網上喺愛爾蘭搵到一份工, 經身邊嘅好朋友嘅鼓勵之下,就決定帶着簡單嘅行李嚟到愛爾蘭。呢次都係佢人生第一次踏足歐洲。
In this episode, we will speak with Mandy from Macau. It has always been her dream to live, study and work in Europe. While browsing on the internet last year, she came across a job in Ireland. Thanks to the encouragement of some great friends around her, she decided to give it a go. She took some light luggage and started her new life in Ireland. That was the first time she stepped foot to Europe.  She is going to share with us about her life in Ireland and how the way you think can affect your action and results.

About the show

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

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