Asian Talents – Episode 17


歐陽靖民生於香港,曾留學英國,畢業後在日本工作兩年後回到香港。兩年前因為希望加入大型科技企業工作,於是放眼海外找尋工作機會。本來只計劃到鄰近的新加坡,機緣巧合下卻來到從未踏足的愛爾蘭在 LinkedIn 任職人工智能工程師。

Albert was born in Hong Kong. He studied in the UK and worked for two years in Japan, before going back to Hong Kong. Two years ago he wanted to join some large technology companies to advance his career in IT, and started to look for opportunities overseas. Albert originally planned to go to Singapore, which is close and similar to Hong Kong. In the end he moved to Ireland with his family and joined LinkedIn as an AI Engineer.

Albert 嘅podcast – 中大訊息工程校友訪談,快啲過去支持下。

Checkout Albert’s podcast – Fireside Chat with CUIE Alumni

About the show

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

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