Asian Talents – Episode 7

Chet Lam


林一峰係一位來自香港嘅資深獨立唱作人。 今次佢會同我哋分享吓點解嚟咗愛爾蘭,最近忙緊啲乜,同喺愛爾蘭生活嘅點點滴滴。

A veteran and fiercely independent singer songwriter, Chet Lam is originally from Hong Kong. After 20 solo albums and earned himself a prominent spot in Chinese music industry with heartfelt original songs, national hits for other big names, building crowd funding website (, 2015-2016), funding and organizing shows for other emerging artists (Future Sound of Hong Kong Music Festival), Lam keeps exploring different genres restlessly.

Brought up in a humble background in the then British colony, Hong Kong, Lam speaks, writes and sings in English as his third language, after mother tongue Cantonese and second language Mandarin. Everything in music was self taught, he stumbled towards being a singer songwriter with countless hours of singing and writing aimlessly until he had his first big break as a song writer for some big names in Chinese music around 2000 (Yanzi Sun, Eason Chan to name a few), then he started his own label LYFE Music focusing on bringing something different to the then idol saturated Chinese music market, with the debut album ‘Pillow Songs’ earning him an iconic status in a genre called ‘City Folk’ by the mainland Chinese media.

All these years Lam has been filling up theatres and stadiums without any major label support, from doing acclaimed live cabaret shows with just one guitar or piano to performing with full scale Chinese and western orchestras, Lam has been evolving nonstop.

About the show

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

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