Asian Talents – Episode 14


Tomás is a blogger, memes-creator and podcaster. He is named the 4th most famous Irishman in Taiwan. Originally from Clane, after studying Mandarin Chinese from DIT, he took a scholarship to study in Taiwan and the rest is history. He is going to share with us his experience of being an Irish person living in Asia, his experience learning Mandarin Chinese and difficulty migrants are facing in Taiwan and Ireland.

He runs a blog, Facebook page, Instagram page and Twitter page under the name Nihao’s It Going? 台味ㄉ愛爾蘭人 今集嘅嘉賓係黎自 Clane 嘅 Tomás,佢係長居台灣嘅愛爾蘭人。在DIT學習華語後,獲得獎學金到台灣讀碩士學位, 從此定居台灣。 被譽為係全台灣第四大出名嘅「愛爾蘭佬」。他將會同我哋分享他作為愛爾蘭人生活在亞洲的經歷,學習華語嘅困難以及在台灣和愛爾蘭嘅新移民面臨的困難。 歡迎追蹤佢嘅 blog、Facebook、Instagram 同 Twitter 《台味ㄉ愛爾蘭人》。





About the show

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

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