Asian Talents – Episode 10


Ep 10: 14th July 2022

Gonchigkhand Byambaa is a social worker and writer from Mongolia. Coming from a traditional nomadic background to Ireland in 2016. She holds a B.A. in Social Work and a Diploma in Human Rights and Equality.

She is the Chief Organiser of the 6th International School Social Worker Conference in Ulaanbaatar in 2015.

She is proud of her nomadic heritage. She writes about Mongolian culture in an attempt to honour her parents’ legacy and illustrate the beauty and the hardship that comes with a traditional nomadic lifestyle.

She is passionate about improving minorities’ rights in Ireland. She wishes to make a positive contribution to Irish society for which she has deep admiration.

She is currently involved with Southside Traveller Action Group.

今集嘅嘉賓係Gonchigkhand Byambaa, 係一位來自蒙古嘅社工及作家,佢會同我哋分享吓蒙古及愛爾蘭游牧民族嘅文化同相同之處。


About the show

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

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