Asian Talents – Episode 16


Fahmeda Naheed has been living in Ireland, the North side of Cork for the last thirteen years. She is currently working as a Garda staff and works in the Southern Region with Assistant Commissioner’s office in Anglesea Street Cork City. She is the first hijabi Muslim woman who is serving this role with An Garda Síochána and working in Diversity Unit. She is originally from Pakistan and an Irish Citizen, She did her M.Phil. and Cert in Mental health in Communities from University College Cork. She is a mother, loves cooking and describes herself as a community person.

Fahmeda Naheed 住在高基。 佢目前任職警察部,佢係愛爾蘭第一位入職警察部嘅穆斯林女性。 佢會同我哋分享吓任職警察部嘅經歷,同埋鼓勵來自不同背景嘅聽眾加入公務員團隊。佢係一位母親,喜歡烹飪, 及鍾意參與社區事務。

Want to know how to apply for public service jobs? Check out:

對公務員職位有興趣? 請參考:

About the show

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

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