The Effect of Light at Night

David Moore of Astronomy Ireland talks to John Healy about the upcoming public lecture “There’s something about ALAN: the effect of light at night”. The lecture takes place on Monday 11th June at 8pm in Trinity College Dublin. For further information see:

Enviro: 18th December 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Growing trees from seeds. WAYNE FRANKHAM of Knockvicar Organic Garden, Boyle, Co Roscommon Teaching Growing Trees From Seed course at The Organic Centre. He gives a basic overview of growing native trees from seed, with tips for…

Enviro – 21st November 2016

This week’s topics: Rosetta and Juno probes results – Where does the water on earth come from? Was it brought down by comets? Is there life on other planets? Are we going to terraform Mars and live there?   ROSETTA PROBE (European…

News from Astronomy Ireland

David Moore of Astronomy Ireland is a fascinating speaker. Listen to his latest interview with Noel McGuinness when, among other news of “matters astronomical”, he talks about the public lecture on Monday 19th September “Blow up a Star & Discover Dark Energy…