Enviro – 21st November 2016

This week’s topics: Rosetta and Juno probes results – Where does the water on earth come from? Was it brought down by comets? Is there life on other planets? Are we going to terraform Mars and live there?


ROSETTA PROBE (European Space Agency)

Dropping the lander Philae on to asteroid 67P’s was not easy – Numerous organic compounds were also detected by Rosetta from orbit, and also by Philae in situ on the surface. (ESA)



Prior to Juno, eight spacecraft have navigated the cold, deep space as far out as Jupiter. what mystery are hidden below this thick atmosphere (NASA)



The asteroid 2016 VA zoomed within about 48,000 miles (77,000 kilometres) of the planet Earth at midnight (00:32 GMT) on November 2nd 2016. Surprise asteroid encounters like last night’s flyby aren’t uncommon; millions of space rocks are thought to orbit the sun in Earth’s neighbourhood, and scientists have discovered just 15,000 of them.


Presenter/Producer: Britt Du Fournet

Panellists: Joe Dunne, Taran & Jared

Guest: David Moore (Chairman of Astronomy Ireland)