Enviro: 18th December 2017

On this edition of Enviro:

Growing trees from seeds.

WAYNE FRANKHAM of Knockvicar Organic Garden, Boyle, Co Roscommon
Teaching Growing Trees From Seed course at The Organic Centre.
He gives a basic overview of growing native trees from seed, with tips for success and some typical challenges.
He briefly mentions our SeedKeep community seed project, and a new exciting project with ISSA & the Gaia Foundation.

DAVID MOORE of Astronomy Ireland, Dublin

Pluto and asteroids and the big telescope at Birr… July 2017 – A new €2 million radio telescope has been officially turned on at Birr Castle in Co Offaly.
Nov 13th – 2917 – In Trinity college: was, Dr. Terence Meaden: Some astronomers and archaeologists spent decades over-analysing stone circles and their plans, and failed to find acceptable solar or lunar solutions or stellar solutions.
11th of December 2017: was DR. Carl Murray: The Cassini-Huygens mission to the Saturn system came to an end on 15th September 2017 when, short of fuel, the Cassini spacecraft was deliberately sent into the atmosphere of the planet and destroyed.

Presenters: Britt Dufour and Joe Dunne

Guests: Wayne Frankham, David Moore