Enviro-25th September 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Joe and Jennifer interview Spanish landscape and wildlife artist Jose Yague to discuss his wolf project. Joe and Jennifer also have a discussion on should we return to celebrating the old feasts: SAMHAIN, WINTER AND SUMMER SOLSTICES, IMBOLC,…

Enviro-18th September 2017

On this weeks show we talk about:  The importance of ‘International Peace Day’ on Thursday 21 September 2017 and everyone should do something to promote peace. The Zika Virus which has been identified in 75 countries and has reached epidemic proportions. We…

Enviro – 11th September 2017

Heroes for Nature On this edition of Enviro: We referred to an article “Passion and Persistence in Nature’s Cause” in current issue of “Resurgence and Ecologist” sent to Enviro by Philip Fahy one of our regular listeners resident in London. The heroes…

Enviro – 4th September 2017

On this edition of Enviro: John Haughton and Jennifer Brady gave UPDATES on the save Fairview Trees campaign. The question was asked “is this new cycle way plan really needed as there seems to be no problems in the present situation”. John…

Enviro -28th August 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Proposal by Dublin city council to fell mature London Plane trees at Fairview Park Dublin Protest, and the forming of a human chain,has been organised for Friday 1st. September in front of Fairview Park to take place at 6…

Enviro – 14th August 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Forest Friends interns Guliana, Franseska, Lorena and Federika present detaills of the project they are working on for Heritage Week. Jennifer Brady read out Bolivia’s ‘Law of Mother Earth’. Jennifer Brady also talked about her forthcoming autobiography…

Enviro – 31st July 2017

In this edition of Enviro: In part one of the show… Remembering poet Francis Ledwidge – 100 anniversary of his death 31/7/17. This ENVIRO program coincided with the anniversary. Forest Friends interns Federica, Giuliana, and Lorena from Archita high school Taranto Southern…

Enviro – 10th July 2017

On the first half of the show, Pegah Mollahajian talked briefly about her career and how she has taken time out to be an intern with Forest Friends Ireland. She introduced Forest Friends Italian Intern Colette who talked about her internship her…

Enviro – 3rd July 2017

At part one, Jennifer Brady talked about the ‘regatta’ held in Shannon Harbour recently. Shannon Harbour is a beautiful harbour, but like many places has suffered from the recession and is prone to flooding. But the regatta is a fine celebration of…

Enviro – 29th May 2017

Writer and poet, Jennifer Brady was the Enviro special guest today. She read from the novel, ‘If Only I’d Left the Beach’. The launch is in The Sky Bar in Wrights Findlaters, Howth on Friday 15th Sept at 8pm. Johnny Fallon will…