Enviro – 4th September 2017

On this edition of Enviro: John Haughton and Jennifer Brady gave UPDATES on the save Fairview Trees campaign. The question was asked “is this new cycle way
plan really needed as there seems to be no problems in the present situation”.

  • John gave details of an event organised jointly by Forest Friends and the
    newly formed ‘Drumcondra Tree Huggers’ which will take place on culture night 22nd. September 8 pm to 10 pm at the Arts and Business Campus 40 Lr. Drumcondra Road. The objective of the event is to select the best tree hugger. The event is open to all comers and there will be prizes. See forest friends website www.forestfriends.ie
  • Jennifer Brady mentioned an Art exhibition by gifted artist Michael Conaghton of Howth which is taking place in the Signal Arts centre Albert Avenue Bray.The paintings contain vivid primary colours water colour exhibits.
  • Jennifer also gave an update on the Flooding in Texas which was followed by a discussion on the issue and the flooding in Donegal- All in the context of climate change. John referred to important flood issues, raised in an article by Justin Fox from Houston which was carried in the Irish Independent on Thursday 31st. August 2017. The paper also contained an article by Richard Curran and a letter from Tony Lowes of “Friends of the Irish environment” to the editor- on the same subject.
  • Irish Rail’s proposals to discontinue some rail links was discussed in the context of promoting instead of demoting public transport. Joe Dunne made several important and relevant points on these regressive steps.
  • ORGANICS: Grace Maher’s article in last week’s Farming Independent stated that “Policy-makers are failing to keep up with consumer demand for organic produce” and points out that “Organic is moving swiftly from niche markets to the mainstream”.
  • CYCLING TO WORK: Cycling to work is on the rise-ref. article by Deborah McAleese in ‘Irish Sun’1st Sept. 2017.
  • FRIENDS OF THE EARTH is running its campaign ‘Run on Sun’at the ‘Electric Picnic’ this year. They point out that Ireland has 80% of the Solar radiance of Italy and that Ireland could slash five billion Euros
    off its yearly fossil fuel bill by developing solar energy ( ref Irish Sun 1st. of September).
  • Roundup/glysophate-‘The Silent Killer’ The program discussed at length findings of recent research on this subject.
    The results reveal disturbing facts of the effects of this product widely used today. Reference: Nexus Newsfeed#.WahbUqQyFqg.facebook
    The question was asked how is it that this ‘silent killer’ has not been banned to date and that the EU is considering renewal of its license in spite of the fact that 2.3 million EU citizens have signed a petition to have it banned.

Producer/presenter-John Haughton

Panelists Joe Dunne and Jennifer Brady.

Guests:Italian students Gabrilella nd Fransesca