Enviro-25th September 2017

On this edition of Enviro:

  • Joe and Jennifer interview Spanish landscape and wildlife artist Jose Yague to discuss his wolf project.
  • Joe and Jennifer also have a discussion on should we return to celebrating the old feasts: SAMHAIN, WINTER AND SUMMER SOLSTICES, IMBOLC, SPRING AND AUTUMN EQUINOXES, BEALTAINE AND LUGHNASADH – instead of the church feasts which have been taken over and even moved by commercial interests.
  • The Enviro team also ask the question, should we use natural methods of vermin and weed control. Such as barn cats, house cats and edible weeds – instead of using poison which has the potential to kill humans and planet as well as the undesirable animals and plants.

Presenter: Joe Dunne

Panelist: Jennifer Brady

Guest: Jose Yague