Enviro: 8th July 2019

On this edition of Enviro the team discuss a range of topics including: Japan has resumed whale hunting after 30 year ban Ivan Cooper one of our great civil rights politicians in Northern Ireland has passed away. Although a protestant he was…

Enviro – 18th February 2019

On this edition of Enviro we discussed: Tony Lowes of Friends of the Irish Environment gave details of the court case to do with extensive gas storage facilities in the West of Ireland, about which his organisation has taken a legal case…

Enviro – 30th July 2018

On this edition of Enviro: Felix  Daramola talks about his organisation ‘European Legacy Organisation Advocate for humanity’ This is an advocacy project whereby he and other legal people and volunteers work pro-bono representing  people of all or any nationality who have to be…

Enviro – 23rd April 2018

On this edition of Enviro: John and the panel speak to Forest Friends interns Vincent Tchavouchan, Mathilde Gendron and Victoire Courtois detailed their research and outlined casualties, human costs environmental effects and economic costs of various   20th and 21st century wars. Vincent discussed…

Enviro – 10th July 2017

On the first half of the show, Pegah Mollahajian talked briefly about her career and how she has taken time out to be an intern with Forest Friends Ireland. She introduced Forest Friends Italian Intern Colette who talked about her internship her…

Enviro – 8th May 2017

The program started with an unusual version of George Harrison’s ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by the Voodoo Glow Skulls. This was followed by two French intern students Cindy and Nassima explaining their take on the environment why they came to Ireland to…

Enviro – 9th January 2017

In the first half hour, Gillian Bird of the DSPCA (the Dublin Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) talked about recent animal cruelty incidents (see Irish Independent article 5 th . January 2017- ‘Alarm over kid’s roles in animal abuse cases’). She…