Enviro – 23rd July 2018

On this edition of Enviro: We have in studio Trina O’Connor, Criminologist, Convener with NICCC & board member on PIB. and Valerie Traynor local resident Artane, facing McAuley Park. Tina is general manager of the North Centre City Communiity Action Project located in 9-11…

Enviro – 9th July 2018

On this edition of Enviro: John and the team discuss The Fukushima Nuclear disaster-We referred to The fact that this nuclear station was build on a known fault line by General Electric who have a very poor record environmentally. Some of the…

Enviro – 2nd July 2018

On this edition of Enviro John and the Panel discussed a range of important issues with guests: Dana DeHallender a final year Environmental Science student at The College of Brockport, New York and Caroline Dimich a 1st year Environmental Science student from Villanova…

Enviro – 14th May 2018

On this edition of Enviro John and the Panel discussed a range of important issues and events. Update on the Peace Forest Ireland Project and the launch of Phase Two of this project which took place in the Mansion House on Tuesday…

Enviro – 23rd April 2018

On this edition of Enviro: John and the panel speak to Forest Friends interns Vincent Tchavouchan, Mathilde Gendron and Victoire Courtois detailed their research and outlined casualties, human costs environmental effects and economic costs of various   20th and 21st century wars. Vincent discussed…

Enviro – 12th March 2018

On this edition of Enviro: The Theme of this program was to examine in depth “What’s wrong with Irish Forestry”. The program outlined and discussed the findings of interns Lauren Auer, Vincent Tchavouchian and Rebika Rai. Their analysis included the practice of…