Enviro – 2nd July 2018

On this edition of Enviro John and the Panel discussed a range of important issues with guests: Dana DeHallender a final year Environmental Science student at The College of Brockport, New York and Caroline Dimich a 1st year Environmental Science student from Villanova University in Philadelphia.

Dana and Caroline, who are interns with Forest Friends Ireland referred to the importance of John Denver from an ecological point of view and in the context of the Deep Ecology movement which developed in the 1970s at the time of his prominence as a singer songwriter, ecologist human rights and anti-war campaign.
Dana and Caroline also spoke of the careers they would like to follow after graduating.

Panellist Joe Dunne explained to our guests the importance of Poly Higgins and her work in trying to get ecocide recognised as a serious crime with appropriate sanctions and is having some success in processing it through the UN.

John Denver was a friend of the great environmental explorer of the oceans, Jacques Cousteau who was a French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in it.

THE Chernobyl: 145 CHILDREN FROM ORPHANAGES AND HOMES IN THE Chernobyl-affected region of Belarus were met by host families from 10 countries. Their flight was organised by Alde Roche’s Chernobyl Children International, which has brought more than 25,000 children and young adults from the nuclear disaster zone to Ireland for recreation and respite since 1991.

St. Anne’s Park: A decision to grant planning permission for 536 housing units on part of St. Anne’s Park, Raheny Dublin was made in error by An Bord Pleanala. The permission has been quashed. This was the first planning decision under the new Strategic Housing Development rules in Dublin City whereby the city council was bypassed and the decision went directly to An Bord Pleanala, the appeals board.

Presenter: John Haughton Panellist: Joe Dunne.