Interview with Noam Chomsky

Here’s the latest interview in the series “In Conversation” with Noam Chomsky conducted on 1st of March 2011 by Pirooz Daneshmandi. Noam Chomsky explains his analysis of the causes of the current economic crisis and how to avoid a future one as…

F1 in Schools Competition

Noel McGuinness spoke to Gillian Harty. Schools Coordinator for the F1 in Schools competition where teams of school students design, build and race model Formula 1 cars.  The competition is judged on car speed, design, verbal presentation and the team display stand. …

Between the Lines 06/03/2011

Presenter Dermot Brangan is joined in the studio by Aidan Kennedy, Cristina Santa Maria, Tom Brennan & Sean Whelan. Among the topics discussed; a Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael coalition, Civil Partnesrship & the aftermath of the general election.   Produced by Ray Burke…

Building Blitz 2011

Ken Kingston is a volunteer with the Niall Mellon Township Trust. On Northside Today on 1st March he told Noel McGuinness about the work of the Niall Mellon Township Trust and this year’s Building Blitz which will take place in November.

Europe for Beginners: Programme 1

A new Radio series exploring the historical development of the EU and Ireland’s place in that development will be broadcast by north east Dublin Community radio station near90fm. The programmes will be aired on nine consecutive Thursday’s at 6.30pm commencing 3rd March…

Between the Lines: 26/02/11

The morning after, with some votes still being counted accross the country, it was clear the political landscape had changed. In studio to discuss the outcome were presenter Ger Dorgan, and presenters, (today as members of the panel), Bronwen Maher, Austin McCoy…

Dublin North-Central Election Special 2011

On Tuesday 15 February near90fm broadcast the election debate for Dublin North-Central. Naoise O Muiri´- Fine Gael, Donna Cooney-Green Party, Finian McGrath- Independent, John Lyons- United Left Allliance, Helen McCormack- Sinn Féin, Sean Haughey- Fianna Fail, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin- Labour Party, Richard…