The Brief 14th June 2012

Barristers Andrew Robinson and Peter Leonard discuss; the recent Court President nominations, anti-swearing legislation, solicitor David O’Shea’s conviction for theft, the challenge to Thomas McFeely’s UK bankruptcy by lay litigant Theresa McGuinness, and the very severe sentence handed out to first time offender and unsuccessful rioter Liam Allan by Sheriff George Way in Scotland.

Criminal Defence solicitor Cahir O’Higgins on the first convictions under the new anti-gang legislation in the Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009.

This week immigration law is under the spotlight, barrister, lecturer and immigration law expert David Leonard on wasted costs orders. Andrew and Peter look at Ali v Minister for Justice and the High Court overturning the Minister’s improper revocation of refuge status.

Employment law expert solicitor Fintan Lawlor on unfair dismissal and constructive dismissal.

Barrister and blogger Mark Tottenham on Lennox the death row dog, the recent decisions in the Gilani and Travers cases, and he asks, should a deportation order be made personally by the Minister for Justice?
