Book Launch Interview with Author and Local Historian Dennis McIntyre discussing his new book Customs House to Howth Head: A History and Guide to the North Dublin Bay Area

In this podcast, Dennis talks about his new book with John Connell on NearFM’s Lifeline Programme.

Historian and Tour Guide Dennis McIntyre has a deep interest in the North Dublin Area.

Dennis’ s new book, Customs House to Howth Head: A History and Guide to the Dublin North Bay Area, is to be launched on Wednesday evening February 1st beginning at 7.30 PM.  Everyone is very welcome to attend Dennis’s book launch. It promises to be a fun light hearted cultural occasion.

As well as being a walking guide from the North Inner City to the Hill of Howth, the book is full of interesting stories and historical information about the Dublin North Bay Area.

The new book is available in many local shops and supermarkets at a modest price of 19.99 Euro, or buy directly from Dennis’s website
