Enviro – 7th January 2019

Enviro Part One: In this program we celebrated whales and are hugely disappointed at the threatened action of Japan as reported in the media (if it is true) to start commercial whaling and pull out of the international 89 member Whaling Commission…

Enviro – 4th December 2017

On this edition of Enviro the team discuss: Geoengineering: The program made reference to an article supplied by Philip Fahey one of our listeners-Climate Engineering is Planetary Omnicide by Dane Wigington-Quote:  “this has been going on for 70 years . . .…

Enviro- 9th October 2017

This edition of Enviro contained two interviews and explained aspect of several important issues and contained discussion between the interviewees. INTERVIEW ONE: AFRICA Guest speaker Felix Daramola of Afroirish. This interview presented Felix Daramola’s perspectives on Africa and how migrants are given…