Merchants Quay Ireland

Tony Geoghegan, CEO of Merchants Quay Ireland talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about the services they provide and the increasing need for them.  He talks about their facilities for people who are homeless as well as services for people who suffer…

Welcome Home

Fr. Peter McVerry talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about the Peter McVerry Trust.  He outlines the range of services they provide for homeless people and the growing need for these services.

Greyhounds make great pets

Greyhounds make great pets Una Phelan talks to Noel McGuinness on  Northside2Day about the work of the Greyhound Rescue Association of Ireland and she describes how greyhounds make wonderful gentle pets.  Unlike many people’s perceptions, greyhounds are very lazy but they are…