International “Nice” Swim

Fergal Somerville explains to Noel McGuinness that the temperature of the water at the Bull Wall Dollymount was higher than expected last Saturday – it was 7.2 degrees celsius – and, though the challenging swim went ahead, it did not qualify as an “ice swim” under the rules of the International Ice Swimming Association which specify that the water must be 5 degrees celsius or lower.  Fergal describes the swim and says that the six participants found the long swim an extremely gruelling one.  He also talks about swimming the English Channel, his attempts so far to swim the North Channel and all the training that is involved.  He thanks the 5th Port Dollymount Sea Scouts and their Skipper Daniel Kennedy, the organisers and Eastern Bay Swimming Club, Dr. Nicola Gilliland, the swimmers, their wives and everyone who came to support the event.
