Asian Talents Ep 32 – May 18, 2023


Jagdeep Sahans (Jackie), a calligrapher is of Indian descent living in Ireland for over 30 years. Now, based beside the beautiful River Barrow in the historic town of New Ross, Co Wexford.

Her creative craft takes the letter or word, fuses it with the age-old skill of calligraphy, and imbues it in ink to transform the script into a visual piece of art. Calligraphy celebrates the power of words and how they ignite the imagination creating a powerful visual meaning for the reader. As each piece is lovingly handwritten as individual as you it makes for a beautiful gift for a loved one that will be forever cherished.
今集嘅嘉賓係Jagdeep Sahans (Jackie), 佢係一位書法家。係印度裔英國人, 定居愛爾蘭30年。現在住係 New Ross,Co. Wexford.
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