Asian Talents Ep 34

Louis 係一位商業攝影師,有一個好獨特嘅背景。佢出生於德國,英國長大,從小就接觸到傳統同新穎嘅價值觀。父母亦向佢灌輸左對敬業樂業同創意嘅熱情。
Louis 嘅華人血統係塑造佢嘅藝術視野方面發揮重要作用,佢從東西方文化中汲取靈感。佢嘅作品反映了他獨特嘅視角,將傳統技術與現代技術相結合,創造出帶故事性及令人驚嘆嘅畫面。
Louis 對自己技藝嘅奉獻同敢於冒險嘅精神使他成為攝影界受人尊敬嘅人物。佢不斷突破界限,努力捕捉完美鏡頭,並創造出既美麗又有意義嘅畫面。
Louis is a talented commercial photographer with a unique background. Born in Germany and raised in the UK by Chinese parents, he was exposed to both traditional and forward-thinking values from a young age. Louis’ parents instilled in him a strong work ethic and a passion for creativity, which he has carried with him throughout his life.
After spending eight years in a successful engineering career at Apple, Louis decided to pursue his true passion and become a full-time commercial and editorial photographer. He has since become one of Ireland’s top photographers, known for his exceptional eye for detail and ability to capture the essence of his subjects.
Louis’ Chinese heritage has played a significant role in shaping his artistic vision, and he draws inspiration from both Eastern and Western cultures. His work is a reflection of his unique perspective, blending traditional techniques with modern technology to create stunning images that tell a story.
Louis’ dedication to his craft and his willingness to take risks have made him a respected figure in the photography industry. He continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, always striving to capture the perfect shot and create images that are both beautiful and meaningful.
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