Asian Talents Ep34

Amani KM is a Palestinian and a mother of three. She is an Nutrition and Public Health expert with extensive experience in different countries.
She worked as a critical care Dietitian and joined the as an academic instructor and researcher. She worked at an overseas health authority as public health certified ambassador and an active member of nutrition task force where she directed her role to nutrition policy, this led to the development of important regulations and guidelines in the CVD Prevention program, school nutrition and healthy restaurants.
She has led the medical critical nutrition department and acted as an activist in community nutrition education projects.
In Ireland she joined Re-shin Again Program in Southern Dublin- Employment for 6 months which supported women to return to the workforce, she studied Community organization management at DCU and Food Science at Inpharmma, worked in Global Citizen Education as a freelancer and she joined Deloitte internship program from 2021/2022. She has several volunteering jobs to serve the community from day one in Ireland during the time of Covid in 2020 supporting the asylum seekers and refugees.
Her passion is to promote good nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
Amani KM 係巴勒斯坦人, 亦係三個小朋友嘅媽媽。佢你一位營養同公共衛生專家,係不同國家擁有豐富嘅工作經驗。
由於疫情嘅限制,Amani 最終定居愛爾蘭, 並立即積極為當地社區作出貢獻,佢參加左都柏林南部的 Re-shin Again ——為期 6 個月嘅就業計劃,支持女性重返勞動力市場。佢亦積極支持尋求庇護者同難民。佢係 DCU 進修社區組織管理,同係InPharmama 進修食品科學,並從 2021/2022 年開始加入德勤實習計劃。
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