The Positivity Power Hour

On this week’s show Elizabeth Whelan is joined by Louise Stokes “Loulerie” to talk about learning from failing, how even when things didn’t work out it was an opportunity of growth for Louise. Elizabeth also interviews Annabel O Keefe “Interim CEO Grow…

Lifeline : Turn 2 Me

Debbie talks to John Doyle who suffers with his mental health and took up coaching running to help with improving his wellbeing. In exchange for his running coaching his asks his runners to donate to Turn 2 Me as this provides a…

Lifeline – Suaimhneas Clubhouse

Gina Cussen who is Centre Manager with Suaimhneas Clubhouse joins Debbie Mc Mahon along with some of the members  who attend the club. Suaimhneas supports individuals on their journey towards mental health recovery. 1st broadcast on 18/01/2024