Visit of Aung San Suu Kyi

Noeleen Hartigan of Amnesty International Ireland talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about the life and work of Aung San Suu Kyi.  Noeleen outlines the situation in Burma at present where human rights violations still occur and there are many prisoners of…

Bike to Work Day

Bike Week 2012 takes place from 16th to 24th June and there are events throughout the country to encourage everyone to get back in the saddle. Paul Heffernan of Dublin City Council talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about the cycle event in…

Volunteers needed for Foróige

Denis O’Brien, Foróige Volunteer Development Manager, talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about volunteering with Foróige.  Foróige is the leading youth organisation in Ireland, working with approximately 57,000 young people aged 10-18 every year through volunteer-led clubs and staff-led youth projects.  The…

Claiming Our Future

Anna Visser is convenor of the Claiming Our Future Working Group on Democracy.  She talks to Noel McGuinness about the Claiming Our Future movement and their special discussion “Reinventing Our Democracy” at Croke Park on 26th May.  At this event individuals and…

Money Skills for Life

Siobhan Howe of the National Consumer Agency (N.C.A.) talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about a new initiative “Money Skills for Life” that has been developed by the N.C.A.  This programme takes place in the workplace and gives employees information on financial…


Victor Finn, C.E.O. of I.M.R.O. (the Irish Musics Rights Organisation), talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day.  He explains about I.M.R.O. and how it works to protect the rights of musicians and songwriters.


Michael Egan, Project Director of R.A.D.E. (Recovery through Art, Drama and Education) talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about the work of this organisation. R.A.D.E.’s work with drug users involves programmes of art, drama, creative writing, film, tai chi and relapse prevention.…