Enviro: 26th August 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Jack O’Sullivan environmental consultant An Tinteán nua Ballymanus Castlepollard, County Westmeath. We conducted a wide ranging interview on environmental sustainability, the unprecedented threats and how these can be faced down if at all. Jack, Manon Munier and…

Enviro: 19th August 2019

On this edition of Enviro: From the Bayside Writers Group, Paul Wickham joins as discussion about carbon miles and why produce grown locally should be used rather than transporting produces many miles and the same applying to trade. We also explained that…

Enviro: 22nd July 2019

On this edition of Enviro: FATBERGS CAN BE CONVERTED TO  METHANE TO PRODUCE FUEL Discussion between Britt and Joe about the possibility to use fatbergs, the fat accumulation blocking the sewer system…to repoduce fuel such as methane or bio diesel…. Warning not…

Enviro: 17th June 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Britt and Joe are joined by Marie Power The Sea Gardener (& Cook) to talk about her book The Sea Garden and Events including forages etc. on Sunday June  16th, there  signature event : Ireland’s Ancient Feast…

Enviro: 24th June 2019

On this edition of Enviro John and the Panel discuss a wide range of topics including Proposed tree felling for Bus corridors we referred to a comprehensive article covered in the Sunday Independent of two weeks ago by Gerald Mills Associate professor…

Enviro: 10th June 2019

On this edition of Envrio: Environmental consultant Jack O’Sullivan speaks to the team about the RTE TV program about the ESB leaks in which a whistle blower exposed the dangers of leaks from old pipe systems which have leaked into the subsoil…

Enviro: 27th May 2019

On this edition of Enviro: The team cover a wide range of topics. “Western lifestyles must change to avoid catastrophe, referring to an article in the ” The Times May 7 2019-Million species face extinction worldwide. Brussels: Plans for 5G were halted…

Enviro – 20th May 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Britt Dufour and Joe Dunne speak to Lorcan Scott, who is a Wildlife Officer, with his background as a Park Ranger in Co Carlow. Lorcan works for the Heritage Council. His interests are National Biodiversity and Intergovernmental…

Enviro: 13th May 2019

On this edition of Enviro: The program outlined briefly some of the main issues associated with the hemp industry in Ireland and blockages preventing the logical development of the industry if left unimpeded. . Hemp is a unique fibre, fuel, food, with…

Enviro: 29th April 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Lucy O’Hagan from WILD AWAKE PHOENIX FOREST SCHOOL talks to Britt and Joe about Ancestral skills workshops: FORAGING – Making fire – gutting fish  – making needles and fish hook – identifying plants and mushrooms, for edible…

Enviro: 15th April 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Neutrality Alliance and Veterans for Peace who are visiting Ireland at present and are speaking at various anti-war public events spoke to us about their incursion onto the airport off-bounds lands at Shannon airport as a protest …

Enviro – 8th April 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Susan Breen of extinction Rebellion talks to us about plans to reverse the extinction process. Tadhg O’ Crowlaigh who talked about a number of issues. He referred to the Dublin City Council’s ‘Draft Climate Change Plan 2018-2024.…