Enviro: 27th May 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

The team cover a wide range of topics.

  • “Western lifestyles must change to avoid catastrophe, referring to an article in
    the ” The Times May 7 2019-Million species face extinction worldwide.
  • Brussels: Plans for 5G were halted on the grounds of possible side effects Brussels Times 14
    April 2019
  • “Trump brings his nukes”
  • “US armed conflicts since Vietnam”
  • In Botswana the ban on Elephant hunting has been lifted
  • The Green Wave-Ireland
  • Brexit
  • Letters to the Editor on Climate Irish Times
  • Trees of Inchicore which are planned to be felled to facilitate bus corridors.

Interview with Michael Foley about a drama he has composed, a drama set in the Galtee Mountains
It covers part of the period of the war of independence 1915-1919 and main characters include Sean
Tracey, Dan Breen, and Sean Hogan Seamus Robinson who operated what was called the war against
the Empire.

Presenter/Producer John Haughton
Panellist Joe Dunne
Special studio guest Michael Foley who presented details about his play/drama a three act play
which he hopes will be performed publicly soon.
Other guests French interns with Forest Friends Ireland Gerti and Laura who took part in discussions.