Enviro – 8th April 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

Susan Breen of extinction Rebellion talks to us about plans to reverse the extinction process.

Tadhg O’ Crowlaigh who talked about a number of issues. He referred to the Dublin City Council’s ‘Draft Climate Change Plan 2018-2024.

Other topics discussed included:

  • David Bernhardt – Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Interior — blocked the release of research that proved chlorpyrifos is putting more than 1,200 endangered species at risk of extinction.  he did it all to protect Dow Chemical’s profits.
  • Hedgehog numbers are down 95% since the 1950s-find out ways to prevent further annihilation.
  • Dr Mark Dalton of Veterinary Ireland speaking on RTE Radio 1 this week during which he called on the government to ban fur farming, saying “we in Ireland need to be on the right side of history.”
  • Monsanto corporation liable for a California man’s cancer caused in part by Roundup. Monsanto (Bayer) has been ordered to pay Edwin Hardeman $75 million in punitive damages, $5 million for past and future suffering, and more than $200,000 to cover medical bills.
  • PESCO which sees Ireland becoming in effect part of an EU army.

Producer presenter John Haughton: panellist Joe Dunne & Robert Navan

In studio Guest  -Tadhg O Cruadhlaoich

Phone interview Sue Breen

Students: Gertie and Laura from France-interns with Forest Friends Ireland

Broadcast: 08/04/2019