Between the Lines: 13/05/2012

This Sunday on the programme Keith Redmond was joined in the studio by Paul Murphy MEP (Socialist Party), Cllr Micheál MacDonncha (SF), Cllr Paul McAuliffe and Cllr Anthony Lavin (FG). This is the first of three programmes we wil be having in…

Claiming Our Future

Anna Visser is convenor of the Claiming Our Future Working Group on Democracy.  She talks to Noel McGuinness about the Claiming Our Future movement and their special discussion “Reinventing Our Democracy” at Croke Park on 26th May.  At this event individuals and…

The Brief 26th April

Barristers Andrew Robinson and Peter Leonard present The Brief. Karl Deeter of Irish Mortgage Brokers discusses strategic mortgage default. Barrister Mark Tottenham on recent Superior Court decisions. Fintan Lawlor of Lawlor Partners offers advice on Social Housing Support. Produced and engineered by…

Money Skills for Life

Siobhan Howe of the National Consumer Agency (N.C.A.) talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about a new initiative “Money Skills for Life” that has been developed by the N.C.A.  This programme takes place in the workplace and gives employees information on financial…

The History Show Episode 5

Episode 5 of the History Show on Near 90fm. On this episode, Cathal Brennan is joined by Fearghal McGarry, Róisín Higgins and John Dorney to discuss the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]