
Victor Finn, C.E.O. of I.M.R.O. (the Irish Musics Rights Organisation), talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day.  He explains about I.M.R.O. and how it works to protect the rights of musicians and songwriters.


Michael Egan, Project Director of R.A.D.E. (Recovery through Art, Drama and Education) talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about the work of this organisation. R.A.D.E.’s work with drug users involves programmes of art, drama, creative writing, film, tai chi and relapse prevention.…

Between the Lines: 1st of April

Ger Dorgan was joined by former Councillor Seán Paul Mahon (Fianna Fáil) and Memet Uludag (Activist, and Socialist Worker’s Party Member), and then later, Catherine Lynch of the Irish Network Against Racism joined the discussion. We discussed Racism at home, and in…