Cycling in the City

John Haughton interviews Michael McKillien acting on behalf of representing cyclists’ interests. He will talk about the challenges cyclists face including  the controversial question whether there should be a change of legislation concerning cycling on footpaths. In addition to that Michael…

United in Adversity.Eu

Eoin Drinan was joined by Simon McKeageney – Irish Spokesperson from United in Simon discusses the project created by EU trainees to highlight their message to the EU and to show solidarity with those suffering because of the current crisis in…

ENAR (Ireland) iReport Launch

ENAR (Ireland) Director Shane O’Curry talks to Eoin Drinan about the launch of the ENAR (Ireland) Irish Network Against Racisims new ‘iReporting’ incident reporting system. Shane discusses the rise of racist incidents across the country,hightlighting the different kinds of racism and the…