Story? – Programme 4 – Aspirations & Role Models

Story? is a five part radio series exploring topics that interest and affect young people from the Darndale & Coolock areas of Dublin. The series is produced by 15-17 year olds who attend the Sphere 17 Regional Youth Service in Darndale, Dublin 17.  Prior to production the young people engaged in community media training at Near Media Co-op, Coolock.


The series uses a magazine format which includes studio content, location interviews, panel discussions, inserts and voxpops. Narration and links are recorded to tie together the programmes. Music is used sparingly to create mood and a sense of place. Each programme also features a relevant piece of music.


Programme 4 is on Aspirations & Role Models


Production team

Hannah Lynch, Shannon Murphy, Dylan Warde, Niamh Cooney, Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Menton, Neil Doyle


Series Producer & Editor

Alan Weldon


Assistant producers from Sphere 17

Stephen Blayds & Tara Coleman.


Advisors from Near Media Co-op

Paul Loughran & Dorothee Meyer Holtkamp.


Made with the assistance of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland Sound & Vision scheme.
