Culture Shots #26

Culture Shots #26 (Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media) by Near Fm on Mixcloud

Culture Shots programme 26 Celebrates the Year of the Dragon. Jim Raman learns a bit more about both the Chinese community and the Chinese New Year celebrations in Dublin by speaking to Dr. Catherine Chan Mullen of the Irish Chinese Information Centre.

Later on, Sudhansh Verma speaks to Michael Murray of the Lantern Centre about how cultural celebrations can provide an opportunity for different cultures to come together.

Also featuring the Chieftans with a celtic rendition of Chinese folk tune “Full of Joy.”

This series is a part of the Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media project, which is co-financed by the European Commission under the European Integration Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.
