Enviro: 10th February 2020

In this edition of Enviro:

The team talked about the effect which the full moon can have on people and played some music and song on the subject of the moon. Paul Wickham explained how the full moon affects many people with dementia as he works with
such patients. He explained that there were some chemical changes exerted in the processes.

We discuss how the moon is so powerful in controlling the tidal flows of the oceans and therefore
exerts pressure on us at this time. The moon however is the Earth’s only satellite and is to be celebrated. So we played the following music during the program;

‘The Whole of the Moon’ from a CD ‘The Best of the Waterboys 81-90’
Paul recited the poem/song ‘Kiss the Moon’ from a CD ‘Petticoat Loose’ by Mary McPartlan
John Spillane ‘The Moon Going Home’ from a CD ‘Hey Dreamer’
‘Blue Moon from Kentucky’ from CD ‘Elvis Presley Live’
‘Moon Child’ from CD ‘Stage Struck’ by Rory Gallagher

We mentioned that Kerry TD Danny Healy Rae has apologised for comments he made about climate change, but stopped short of saying his views on climate change had shifted Danny Healy Rae had said yesterday: “to hell with the planet.” Work for the people and stay with the people and to hell with the planet and the fellas that say we must save the planet and forget about the people.” He apologised today and withdrew the remark and said “Obviously we must care for the planet, but we must be fair to the people in it” Joe agreed that he should also apologise to planet Earth for his statement also.

We finished the program with poems written by Paul Wickham for a project he is working on and we agreed that the poems were excellent.

Presenter/Producer John Haughton
Special Guest Paul Wickham