The Arts Show: Maura Walsh chats to singer/songwriter Ruba Shamshoum ahead of her performance at Bagots Hutton, Ormond Quay Dublin 17th April 2018.

Ruba is a Palestinian musician, born and raised in Nazareth and currently living in Dublin. Her music draws on a mix of Jazz with tinges of Middle Eastern and Arabic musical elements. 

Ruba dove into music and made it her profession in 2011. She studied jazz performance at Newpark Music Centre, Blackrock Co. Dublin. She has written music for film (‘When I Saw You’), released singles that generated much acclaim and was top of the indie charts in the Middle East and North Africa. Ruba has performed at international festivals in Ireland, the UK and the Middle East. She gave a TED talk about finding one’s own distinctive voice in music and art. (‘Being creative in a society that worships the past’)

Ruba released her debut album ‘Shamat’ in May 2017 (Beauty Spots) Each song on the album explores different shades of emotion and draws from a mixture of influences ranging from rock and jazz to music of the Levant. She deals with identity, anger, escapism, lack of communication, fear and love. Ruba has received much press and reviews. 

Shamshoum’s voice is a thing of beauty, the seduction immediate from the first notes of “Randomness of Beauty Spots.” – Ian Patterson, All About Jazz

“Ruba’s songs have strong narratives about exile, hope and love. Her distinct jazz influences allowed space to flourish with a band drawn from the elite of the Dublin jazz scene.” – Peter McGoran, Hot Press
Ruba introduces four songs from her album which we feature during the show.
Carousel of Love-