Maura Walsh chats to James Mac Eoin, Public Relations Officer for The Producers which is running from 20th – 24th March at DCU, St. Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra Dublin 9

Description:  The Producers is presented by the Teachers’ Musical Society, a new Mel Brooks production. James is a primary school teacher at Scoil Fhursa inKilmore West, Dublin. He chats to me about the show, the society and AIMS (Association of Musical Societies). 
The show is being staged where it all began 18 years ago and the cast includes the founding member Mr. Pat McElwain. The society is a community of primary and secondary teachers and they have won previous awards at AIMS. James is on the committee and outlines the commitment needed to stage the play from planning and rehearsals to set design and fundraising. James is passionate about theatre and loves acting and playing the guitar. He is playing many roles in this, his 4th show and 
encourages all his students to get involved in school plays and drama.
The interview features three original audio clips from the show.
      “I want to be a producer
      “Springtime for Hitler
      “Keep it gay”
The show is a hilarious and outrageous satirical comedy. An insanely funny adventure and an emotional poignant journey of two different men who become best friends.