Enviro: 29th April 2019

On this edition of Enviro: Lucy O’Hagan from WILD AWAKE PHOENIX FOREST SCHOOL talks to Britt and Joe about Ancestral skills workshops: FORAGING – Making fire – gutting fish  – making needles and fish hook – identifying plants and mushrooms, for edible…

Enviro – 20th August 2018

On this edition of Enviro: Katie Geraghty, BSc Conservation Officer of Irish Peatland Conservation Council joins the Enviro team to discuss peatlands their flora, fauna, use, and protection status. The Team are also joined by Johnny Woodlock from Seal Sanctuary Dublin talks about how…

Enviro – 20th November 2017

Part 1  SEAN O’FARRELL PRIMARY SCHOOL SCIENCES Cloncannon Biofarm is a Certified Discover Primary Science Centre (a National Certification by Science Foundation Ireland). The Reference to Maths and Primary Schools relates to Cloncannon Biofarm being a Certified Discover Primary Science Centre (a…

Enviro – 21st August 2017

On this edition of Enviro… Paul O’Brien comes in to talk about basic incomes for Ireland, as well as talking about his book, “Pennies from Heaven”. Also, Biodiversity Ireland director Liam Lysaght comes in to chat. Liam spent six wonderful days walking the…

Enviro – 17th July 2017

On this edition of Enviro, ecologist & Irish Wildlife Trust vice chairman Sean Meehan came in to talk about the ecology of smooth newts and common lizards in Ireland and how IWT has carried out extensive citizen science projects and habitat surveys for both…

Enviro – 15th May 2017

On the May 15th 2017 edition of Enviro, Britt and Joe are joined by plant and moss ecologist Joanne Denyer. Joanne has given public walks for Heritage Week teaching a wide range of people from professionals to students who are starting at the beginning…

Enviro – 24th April 2017

On this week’s show, Terry O’Regan from Old Abbey Gardens talks about his involvement with environmental impact assessments, which brought a realisation that landscape management in Ireland was unstructured and directionless leading me to advocate for landscape policy. Today, he is committed…

Enviro – 20th March 2017

  On this week’s show, business owners of OBEO Liz Fingleton & Kate Purcel talk about easy ways to go green in 2017. “Our green resolutions for 2017, is to show the public simple ways to create good habits that will (hopefully!)…

Enviro – 20th February 2017

Hans Wieland from the Organic Center in Rossinver, Co Leitrim talks about courses in Co. Leitrim in 2017. Our theme for 2017 is “Growing Forward” and we hope our courses will help you growing your own food and adopting a more sustainable…