Enviro – 7th November 2016

The program updated listeners on important environmental issues. It discussed the importance of the Standing Rock Native North American Reservation’s protest in opposition to the Dakota access oil pipeline and the US first Nation’s struggle and treatment over time with songs and music that cover aspects of their culture heritage and the values that underpin their lifestyles. The Dakota access pipeline violates Indian treaties destroys burial sites and is likely to cause major pollution of the Mississippi River.


Environmental issues discussed included:

1) CETA the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement between Canada and the EU

Many issues resulting from implementing this trade agreement include exposing national governments to legal suits from big corporations, threats to health and the natural environment and the creation of an adjudication system outside the established system and operated and controlled by the big corporations themselves. Apart from fear that large multinational companies will have greater powers to sue EU governments in investment disputes the deal could lead to a decline in labour rights and undermine standards in environmental protections and agriculture.

Furthermore the Irish elected parliament has to approve CETA. (1) THE WORLD’S LARGEST MARINE RESERVE IS TO BE CREATED in Antarctica, aimed at protecting the pristine wilderness of Antarctica. Agreement was reached when Russia dropped its long-held opposition. The 25 members, making up the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources with governance responsibilities for the Antarctic agreed to create the Ross Sea marina protected area at a meeting in Hobart, Tasmania, designed to ensure that the Ross Sea marine park would be protected from commercial fishing for 35 years. The Ross Sea, ‘the last unspoiled ocean wilderness areas of the planet’, is home to unparalleled marine biodiversity, is one of the world’s most ecologically important oceans.


2) The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

In this regard, Ireland is in the forefront in promoting a UN anti-nuclear resolution. The UN motion was tabled by Ireland, Austria, Brazil, Mexico Nigeria and South Africa and supported by 60 co-sponsors, paves the way for a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons. The resolution passed by a large majority can pave the way for an international conference which will agree a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons. 123 countries voted for, 38 against with 16 abstentions. The US, the UK, Russia, Israel and France among others, voted against, with no support also from China, India, Pakistan and North Korea


3) Bob Dylan has been awarded the Nobel Prize for literature and will accept the prize

The Enviro program had two special tribute programs some weeks ago. The program referred to the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change which came into force on the 4th November 2016 and the fact that The Stop Climate Chaos coalition and Friends of the Earth are organising meetings with TDs and Senators in Buswells Hotel on Tuesday November 15th. between 11am to 7pm, while Trocaire and Friends of the Earth will be holding a public meeting in the Central Hotel Dublin next Thursday, 10th November at 7pm, with a Malawian climate activist.


Music was played form the following CDs:

1) Native American Dream – Tribute to the Tribal Spirit-New World Music

2) Nikawiy Askiy Sandy Scofield

3) Native American CD2: Contemporary Flavours-the Soho 3 CD collection Set

4) Tribal Voices: Songs from Native Americans-An intertribal Collection

5) Tribal Fires – Contemporary Native American Music

6) Robbie Robertson and the Red Road Ensemble – Music for the native Americans

7) Robbie Robertson – Contact from the underworld of Redboy


Presenter: John Haughton

Panellist: Joe Dunne