Enviro – 14th August 2017

On this edition of Enviro: Forest Friends interns Guliana, Franseska, Lorena and Federika present detaills of the project they are working on for Heritage Week. Jennifer Brady read out Bolivia’s ‘Law of Mother Earth’. Jennifer Brady also talked about her forthcoming autobiography…

Enviro – 24th July 2017

On this edition of Enviro… Seamus McGowan of Leitrim Club Sportive gave details of the Leitrim Glens Cycling event.He explained why this would be of interest to a wide range of cyclists as there were options with regard to the length of…

Enviro – 3rd July 2017

At part one, Jennifer Brady talked about the ‘regatta’ held in Shannon Harbour recently. Shannon Harbour is a beautiful harbour, but like many places has suffered from the recession and is prone to flooding. But the regatta is a fine celebration of…

Enviro – 12th June 2017

Pegah Mollahajian came to Ireland from Canada and told us a little about herself, and why she choose Ireland as a location for her internship with Forest Friends. She also described her first impressions of Ireland and read one of Francis Ledwidge…

Enviro – 29th May 2017

Writer and poet, Jennifer Brady was the Enviro special guest today. She read from the novel, ‘If Only I’d Left the Beach’. The launch is in The Sky Bar in Wrights Findlaters, Howth on Friday 15th Sept at 8pm. Johnny Fallon will…

Enviro – 15th May 2017

On the May 15th 2017 edition of Enviro, Britt and Joe are joined by plant and moss ecologist Joanne Denyer. Joanne has given public walks for Heritage Week teaching a wide range of people from professionals to students who are starting at the beginning…

Enviro – 8th May 2017

The program started with an unusual version of George Harrison’s ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by the Voodoo Glow Skulls. This was followed by two French intern students Cindy and Nassima explaining their take on the environment why they came to Ireland to…

Enviro – 24th April 2017

On this week’s show, Terry O’Regan from Old Abbey Gardens talks about his involvement with environmental impact assessments, which brought a realisation that landscape management in Ireland was unstructured and directionless leading me to advocate for landscape policy. Today, he is committed…

Enviro – 10th April 2017

The North Leitrim Glens Hill Walking Festival, now in its 23rd year, run by ‘The Holey Soles Hill Walking Club’ takes place Easter weekend, Saturday 15 th  and Sunday 16 th  of April. The iconic Benbulben and Glencar valley are on this…

Enviro – 3rd April 2017

In the first half of the program, we talked about the exciting time of the year just now environmentally and played birdsong and songs about birds and also referred to the landslide in Columbia which killed many people and how the media…

Enviro – 20th March 2017

  On this week’s show, business owners of OBEO Liz Fingleton & Kate Purcel talk about easy ways to go green in 2017. “Our green resolutions for 2017, is to show the public simple ways to create good habits that will (hopefully!)…

Enviro – 27th March 2017

We talked about “Enviro, yesterday (a retrospective) to-day and tomorrow, (i.e.in the future) and we began to plot the road ahead identifying some topics for the future. We explained what the Enviro program is about based on the concept of ‘Deep Ecology’.…