The Brief 21st Nov 2013

To begin, presenters Andrew and Peter discussed the week’s legal news, from court reports to a Swiss referendum this weekend to limit executive pay to 12 times the salary of the lowest paid employee in the firm.

Solicitor Bernadette Parte, moving solicitor in Fleming v AG, discussed the law surrounding assisted suicide.

Studio guest Seth Tillman, of the Department of Law at NUIM, voiced strong criticisms of Supreme Court procedure.

Zoe Tillman, of the Legal Times (US), reported on the Lance Armstrong fraud trial and ex US presidential candidate John Edward’s return to law practice.

And Colin Scott, Dean of the Sutherland Law School at UCD, outlined the details of their conference next week.

Presented by barristers Andrew Robinson and Peter Leonard.
Produced by Andrew Robinson and Killian Donoghue
Edited by Aoife Nic Canna
